a lifetime defeat

Ricky Setianwar
2 min readFeb 28, 2022
Originally painted by Clare Elsaesser on Etsy

Some of us may think life is a gift or even a curse — that’s why “life sucks” echoes. There’s nothing wrong with it, because we all have the control to think about anything. Let experiences form our thoughts.

Tho, there’s no one who wants to be born, to live a life in this pitiful earth, yet it is something beyond our control. Either we do believe in God or Big Bang or whatever it is called, it happened, we are here; in the Pale Blue Dot, said Carl Sagan.

Since everything must be achieved with efforts, for me, life is a lifetime defeat. (No wonder if some believers described heaven as a victory day).

With defeat and victory being said, life may seem like a competition, but it’s not — life isn’t a race. In a race, you have to be fast to win the game. However, in this life, everything has its own time. So, it’s not about the pace or about how to be the first; it is more about how we fight to get what we want. The question is: Would we stand up and fight or simply stay and accept our defeat?

Yes, it’s a sad fact, life forces us to do something to achieve what we want. Just imagine ourselves if we’re not doing something, who will pay our bills? Would we able to watch series, anime, a visual podcast (visual?), a lovely K-Drama, et cetera, et cetera, that bring us happiness while our asses way too comfortable in a stinky bed? Even passive income comes from a person who being active too.

We don’t know yet when the end will come. As it is everyone’s belief, I’d rather get “another” defeat than regret because not doing a thing I wish I have done. Hence, I can learn a lot from my defeats, then upgrading myself so I can achieve what I want since life only asks us — unfortunately — to do so.

24/7 is all we have. There’s plenty of time to unwind, then come back to be the best version of us. We aren’t robots, we’re just a glass filled with water which requires some time to be emptied so the water won’t overflow.

Procrastination might be bad sometimes, but doing nothing is the worst. Again, it’s not a race, but life, it’s a defeat that must be defeated.

Kindly reminder, there’s no such thing as an everlasting happiness in life. The more you realize life is a defeat itself, the less disappointed you will be.

Birds are going to fly
to hover around the clouds
to find peace,

until the flap of their wings
destroys every grip
of the cages
in this world.

